My Top 5 News Sources

 1. The New York Times

Despite the globally known title of this news source, The New York Times, is the top site I go to to receive all the credible information I need. I personally believe that this trusted bulletin provides nothing but the facts you need to know. There are no "political sides" taken when writing posts for this account. It has an editorial staff of almost nearly 1,000 people. This entire staff consists of the smartest, best writers, most persistent journalists in the whole United States, and probably the world. The editors have provenly taken an oath that states that they will provide the most accurate coverage of foreign and domestic events that they can. These journalists are very devoted to what they do. Truth and accuracy are a religion to these writers and reporters. Another trusted reason why The New York Times is my "go-to" news source is because the reporters cover the entire globe on a consecutive weekly basis.

2. The Wall Street Journal

Similar to the reputation that the New York Times holds, The Wall Street Journal is just as accurate and trustworthy in my opinion. It is known that this news source insists and requires all of their journalists to follow the Associated Press, “Rules of Journalism,” and the Society of Professional Journalists’ “Guide to Ethical Journalism". This provides extra reassurance that this source only gives facts, and not sided bias opinions interlinked with it. Therefore, I would recommend this to anyone who is looking for news information with the straight facts only. 

3. The Washington Post

My third reliable news source us The Washington Post. The Washington Post is pretty similar credibility wise to both The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, but I've had a few experiences where some reportings can be a little bit opinion-based from the journalist. Despite those couple of reports, overall, this source is highly reliable for facts on a current event. The Washington Post is known to be very highly credible. They have a knowledgable team of investigative reporters on staff that consistently  do fact checking. It is also known that if they make a mistake, they print a retraction. This gives me a reassurance that I know what I am reading is accurate and proof read. 

4. FOX News

As debatable as the two "biased" news sources, FOX and CNN, can be, I grew up in the environment that I get the insight of breaking news headlines from all FOX News channels. I normally don't google my information from here, but on television, I watch this channel. I do highly recommend this source to anyone who just wants a general and quick background of information on a breaking headline. 

5. CNN News

In relation to my opinion on the FOX News Network, I do listen to CNN's reportings, as well. Not as often as I tune into FOX, but I like to listen to CNN to try and "hear" the other side to whats being reported in contrast to FOX's reportings on events. I like to compare and contrast what each news network has to report. I find it very interesting to hear the differences in broadcastings from each source, then do my own investigating to find out which bits and pieces are accurate.


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